Route Instructions
maps unable to be posted due to a tech glitch.

Geoff will upload to FaceBook and email to people who have requested email distribution.

Maps are also available in this Dropbox folder.

This event presents a likely one-off opportunity to claim an Experts win without subjecting your body to all that bashing around the bush stuff, not to mention running the risk of your driver spoiling it all by putting you in a ditch, or worse tipping over your glass of red.

There have been a good number of virtual rallies conducted since the introduction of the COVID restrictions. There have been different formats. Early on Ian Richards developed a route recording concept using Google Maps that allows directors to set challenging routes that competitors need to interpret, record and submit.

The virtual nature of this e-Xperts has allowed us to visit areas not used for 40 years and I am guessing that in a few instances, never.

The event whilst intending to have challenges appropriate to an Experts, will have a few user friendly features (nobody tell Stuart Lister) appropriate to these times:

  • Supplied maps will have vias and controls pre-marked so no grid references to plot before starting the fun stuff.
  • The event will require competitors to plot the location of vias and controls into Google Maps but will use minimal Shortest Mapped Route – so minimal need to trace lengths of road.

The route instructions and supplied maps will be posted to the HRA website at the start time on Saturday 11 July at 7:00pm.

In the event of clean sheets or other instances of tied penalty points lost, results will be split based on the time signature on emailed results. Earlier submissions will defeat later submissions that have lost the same navigational penalty score.

Getting the hang of the Google Map route recording and submission process can consume some time for those new to it. In order to provide a learning opportunity prior to the event, a sample route instruction and map will be provided a week before the start time. This will allow those who are interested to practice the whole process, from set up, plotting, checking and submission. The director will assist and provide feedback to individuals as necessary during this period.

So hopefully all of this will make the 2020 Jim Maude Memorial eXperts Trial wide open, so much so that who knows, a driver might even win?

Well no …. not really.

Geoff Byron
0488 448 322